City of Racine Housing Repair Program

City of Racine Department of City Development

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The City of Racine offers repair loans to landlords with rental properties within city boundaries to help repair health and safety issues for tenants and improve the city’s housing stock.

Loans are available from $3,000-$50,000 per property for renovation work that meets City and State codes and home rehabilitation standards.

Landlords must submit the loan application to the City of Racine Housing Repair Program.  Tenants may not submit an application on behalf of a landlord.

Who Qualifies?

To qualify, rental properties must be:

Located within the City of Racine city limits. (Other county properties are not eligible.)
Current on property taxes, mortgage payments, and insurance
Leased to income-eligible tenants
Within income guidelines for the household.
In agreement with program funding rules.

Four (4) units or less

If you qualify, an experienced Housing Technician will help you finalize the scope of work, solicit bids, and select a contractor.  To qualify for a loan with the City of Racine, property owners and/or the property must be:

In buildings with both residential and commercial units (mixed-use properties), loan funds may only be used on residential unit repairs.  For projects that involve shared space or common use, such as roof repairs, funds will be prorated on a case by case basis.

There is a $500 application fee for rental property loans.

Landlords must also contribute 25% of the total cost to the project.

If you’re unsure if you qualify, fill out a request to Get Started or call the Department of City Development at 262-636-9197.

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